From simple tweets and chirps to beautiful birdsongs, this app has them all!
Birds can be heard anywhere, from wilderness forests to suburban backyards. But not all birds sound alike! There is incredible diversity in the types of sounds that birds can make.
Birds such as the canary, robin and sparrow are well-known for their beautiful voices and can be heard singing their unique songs for the entire world to hear. Other wild birds such as cardinals and orioles can also be heard whistling their songs in the early morning. Cockatiels, a popular type of pet bird, frequently whistle and chirp to communicate with their owners and other birds. But not all birds have such melodic voices… Hawks make loud screeching screams as they fly high in the sky and crows use a harsh caw sound to communicate. Quacking and honking are also bird sounds made by the water-loving duck and goose. While most birds are only heard during the day, nocturnal owls wake at night to hunt and can be heard calling out with an eerie hoo-hoo noise.
This app is great for birdwatchers who can learn to identify various bird sounds as a trick for spotting these beautiful birds in the wild! Everyone will have a blast listening to strange bird sounds too – an activity that is both fun and educational at the same time!
Dari tweet sederhana dan celetuk untuk birdsongs indah, aplikasi ini memiliki mereka semua!
Burung dapat didengar di mana saja, dari hutan belantara ke halaman belakang pinggiran kota. Tapi tidak semua burung terdengar sama! Ada keragaman yang luar biasa dalam jenis suara bahwa burung dapat membuat.
Burung seperti kenari, robin dan burung gereja yang terkenal karena suara mereka indah dan dapat didengar menyanyikan lagu-lagu mereka yang unik untuk seluruh dunia untuk mendengar. burung liar lainnya seperti kardinal dan kepodang juga dapat mendengar siulan lagu-lagu mereka di pagi hari. Cockatiels, jenis populer burung peliharaan, sering bersiul dan berkicau untuk berkomunikasi dengan pemiliknya dan burung lainnya. Tapi tidak semua burung memiliki suara melodi seperti ... Hawks membuat keras melengking jeritan saat mereka terbang tinggi di langit dan burung gagak menggunakan suara gak keras untuk berkomunikasi. Kwek dan membunyikan klakson juga burung terdengar dibuat oleh bebek air-mencintai dan angsa. Sementara sebagian besar burung hanya mendengar siang hari, burung hantu di malam hari terbangun di malam hari untuk berburu dan dapat didengar berteriak dengan menakutkan hoo-hoo kebisingan.
Aplikasi ini sangat bagus untuk para pengamat burung yang dapat belajar untuk mengidentifikasi berbagai suara burung sebagai trik untuk bercak burung yang indah di alam liar! Setiap orang akan memiliki ledakan mendengarkan burung aneh kedengarannya terlalu - kegiatan yang bersifat menyenangkan dan pendidikan pada saat yang sama!
From simple tweets and chirps to beautiful birdsongs, this app has them all!
Birds can be heard anywhere, from wilderness forests to suburban backyards. But not all birds sound alike! There is incredible diversity in the types of sounds that birds can make.
Birds such as the canary, robin and sparrow are well-known for their beautiful voices and can be heard singing their unique songs for the entire world to hear. Other wild birds such as cardinals and orioles can also be heard whistling their songs in the early morning. Cockatiels, a popular type of pet bird, frequently whistle and chirp to communicate with their owners and other birds. But not all birds have such melodic voices… Hawks make loud screeching screams as they fly high in the sky and crows use a harsh caw sound to communicate. Quacking and honking are also bird sounds made by the water-loving duck and goose. While most birds are only heard during the day, nocturnal owls wake at night to hunt and can be heard calling out with an eerie hoo-hoo noise.
This app is great for birdwatchers who can learn to identify various bird sounds as a trick for spotting these beautiful birds in the wild! Everyone will have a blast listening to strange bird sounds too – an activity that is both fun and educational at the same time!